Tuesday, April 20, 2010

chicken cam?

What do ya'll think about a chicken cam for 24/7 live chicken action? I'm serious. Micah is the man that can make this happen. Joanne-one of the links you sent even has this!


  1. Really? I guess it would stop me from worrying about all of them when I'm at work. I tell you, the more I read the more I worry. It's just like having an infant and reading too many parenting books! If he's got the will, I'm sure theirs a way.

  2. I'm with you on the worry! Ever since joining the Twin Cities chicken Google group, I'm paranoid that our chickens are going to get sick and die. A web cam, IMO, would be hilarious and fun. Forget the worry. It would be so much fun just to watch them!
